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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Creators of Instagram Introduce Rotary Phone App for Smart Phones

After their historic billion dollar sale to Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, the creators of the smart phone app Instagram are not resting on their laurels. “Not only do we have a new product in mind, but we also have no idea what laurels are.”
The innovators of the popular app Instagram, which allows users to alter photos taken on their phones to look like vintage photographs, will be rolling out the new RetroRotary app, which simulates a rotary phone. “Users are forced to dial people’s phone numbers by putting their finger on the dial and spinning it to the selected numbers to make a call. It’s an innovation whose time has come, just like an app that makes your photos look like crappy amateur images.”
Polaroid has also expressed interest in working with iPhone and Android on a concept that they feel “is the next logical step.” A special feature for the next series of smart phones will be the ability to take Polaroid pictures right from the phone. “We have the technology to print out Polaroid quality pictures that develop straight from the phone. Now we just need a bunch of poor bastards to think it’s a good idea…”
In somewhat related news, studies show 30% of internet traffic is pornography, while 70% is attributed to bitching about it…

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